Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Local Musicians: Jared Long

i'd like to take the time to recognize local underrated musicians of Columbus, GA with this blog. This time in particular, i'd like to acknowledge my friend Jared Long(in the picture shown). he has a style that is extremely hard to come by. it is easy to see that he plays music strictly for himself, which i greatly appreciate. he is the kind of guitarist that understands the guitar in and out. he isn't a technical shredding machine, but he rather is an expert with perfecting guitar tones. commonly, his tone color is made up of a thick fuzz with distortion that overrides his vocals, but at a perfect level. On March 12th, at gallery13, he and johnathan shroyer (on drums) did a ridiculous cover of nirvana's "son of a gun." this is where he completely won me over. the vocals were raspy and had this crazy cry to them. the overdrive coated the drums in a sort of live lo-fi way. Jared and I have a strong obsession with Times New Viking , so it was no surprise to me to see him cover "teen drama." Seeing him play that song in columbus was really a gift. i really could go on and on about his style and playing. i wish he had recordings or a website for his music. if he does decide one day to put out some music via internet i will make sure to make note of it on this blog. expect me to post more about local musicians on here. thanks. i know i sound really dumb on this blog, but like i said, these are just streaming thoughts from my brain. -Michael